Saturday, March 24, 2012

.. and later that day....

Have been going slowly but am getting near the end of what i wanted to do today in cleaning carpets. I have a large area rug that i place over the living room carpet to minimize dirt. I knew it was stain on the back side from use in the basement over the years. Any how, I flipped it over and tried to spot clean the stain areas but that sis not help. I am HOPEFUL that in doing this, i have not caused a stain on the off white carpet due to the very colorful rug running! I have a couple fan on it at the moment and will turn it over in an hour or so.

Last evening I was looking through one of the several catalogs i get for women's clothing. I found myself attracted to a long Indian print dress, lounge dress.  I know i will not order it. But I wondered WHY i would not! First of all, it is nearly $50 and would be over that with S/H.  But that is not the real reason. The REAL reason is Clay. He would hate it. (i think) I began looking through the pages again , but this time I looked at them as if i lived alone. I realized that, were i single,  i would order several loose fitting cotton dresses simply for the comfort.

I so dislike shopping and looking for clothing. I get so frustrated to see something i like only to find it is never large enough to be comfortable.

What a lovely spring day it is! Yesterday i bought a 20 lb bag of sunflower seeds rather than the usual 40. I could handle the 20 by myself and also we may not have any more winter weather. We will see. The year we moved in here it was April 5th. (My daughter and Granddaughter had already been living in the house for a week in the large downstairs area. )  Clay had to work and so several of his relatives showed up at our rental in the nearby town we were renting in. There must have been 5 pick up trucks. A few trips back and forth and all our stuff was in the house, with LOTS of it in the attached garage. The day was soooo lovely and we were all wearing short sleeves! Clay got home late that night and had to return to work very early the next day.  He woke me to say goodbye.

Since I could not get back to sleep, I got up and saw that it had snowed overnight! There must have been 10 or more inches of snow and it had clearly drifted into some areas.  I decided that I would spend awhile moving some of the boxes from the garage into the house while still in my pjs. I walked out fron the kitchen into the garage and closed the door before after me. After finding a box I could manage to life I started to carry it into the house. the door was LOCKED! I had no idea where there was a key! The garage was cold. I was in bare feet. I knocked and knocked but my daughter could not possible have heard me because this house is complete insulated between rooms and floors. I found an old military jacket of Cs and his heavy winter boots. I went out the side door into sooo much snow! I went to the front door and thought (GOD! I hope the neighbors do not see me this way! WHAT an introduction to the neighborhood! ) I knocked on the front door and rang the door bell but to no avail. Anyhow.. I am too tired to write the entire story... ( it WAS funny, though ) Point being.. it was April 6th and we had, I would later discover, 18 inches of snow! It was pretty much melted in 2 days.

Ok... back at the task at hand!

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