Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Emotion Versus Logic

When emotions are engaged in the brain the logical part of the brain can not function. When the logical part of the brain is engaged, the emotions can not be prominent.  My brain can switch back and forth so fast I always have the sense of being out of control in my thinking. This is why I can become so obsessively upset. By allowing the emotional part of my brain to run amuck, giving my power away to those emotions. But this has been my M.O. my entire life. So how do I alter this pattern?
      Here are practical steps to take my brain from emotionally prominent to logically prominent as taught me by my beloved counselor :
* As soon as I recognize I'm under the control of emotions I will stop... and describe exactly what is going on..WITH OUT JUDGEMENT! JUST THE FACTS!!
* By describing the events, in steps...1, 2, 3.... abandoning suppositions and judgements... my brain will actually change.
   To demonstrate this, she handed me a glass stone from a bowl on the table. She said, "Describe that stone." It was rough on one side, smooth on the other and on the edges. I said ,"it's mis-shappen"... but realized right away that was a judgement. I changed my words to ," not perfectly round."
     I am wanting to apply this practice to my daily life. I when I find myself being upset, I want to talk out the facts of the situation... JUST THE FACTS MAM! Let's see how I learn.
     One thing, right out of the gate, is owning that I must WANT to abandon my emotional reactions to whatever!!! I must embrace my logical brain!
I want to embrace honesty!!!!

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